Thursday, March 24, 2011

The bottom line man unbeaten

 Edge too often hurt people exposed

1. take the measured exposed and not exposed

2. to someone else's secret hides in the bottom of my heart

3. hide the joy, anger does not give the opportunity

4. time to re-learn to hide his early

5. ostentatious capable people who are stupid

6. proud of publicity when the heart of God not play

7. . implicit ============
guard against the people by brute force and higher low

1. follow the intent of others for their own purposes

2. use calculating do your own thing

6. With more than eye-round to square things

7. the wealth of contacts is the best

8. remembering names

9. gives the opportunity to protect their face

10. do not be in decline in sinners

11. no friends, only half a person
to see who can avoid the trouble and pain

1. to satisfy everyone self-worth you will benefit from endless

2. use their similarities with others resonate

3. learn how the wind blows

4. Do not let your secret be others handle

5. the genius to win over to his arm

6. abandon prejudice a comprehensive view of the main ancestors of a person

7. Beware of smiling faces behind the knife

8. away from the bad people and do not offend the villain

9. find another attack on the collapse of a weakness

10. compliment saying for sure will be effective
=============================< br> ask for things to understand to master the furnace

1. practice charisma very impressive

2. seize the opportunity to self-promotion

3. smart people are good at learning other people's strengths

4. will be a stumbling block into a stepping stone

5. excited people on the road where pot is not touching the tender spot

6. backer and elegant on its own to create

7. good layout to take the initiative
===== ===========================< br> blocked the biggest failure is his own way

1. smooth and sometimes more useful than honest

2. roundabout to avoid head-on collision

3. pulled a big banner for their own rally

4. by the death of one person is asking for the road to ruin < br>
5. a white lie is a man of wisdom

6. get affordable, put it down.
======= ===========================
worse the more difficult relationships stretching

1. the hand of friendship to strangers

2. Institute of cotton directly into the hearts of others

3. lucrative business to be more human
< br> 4. cross the road ---- to help others also have to help yourself

5. words of the charm lies in the good faith

6. the favors done enough irresistible

7. good karma is their own first impressions and attitudes of others
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rule to live their own weaknesses in order to reduce errors

1. blind people will ruin their cater

2. bickering is equal to the top of cattle unprovoked enemies

3. most of the evil is attracted from their conversation the

4. to control their emotions is satisfactory and the Strategy (see even **** must constantly troubled

6. jealousy only makes you less than others

7. extreme arrogance is the major shortcomings and acted

8. Do not let the details become a ======= ===
learn to bow their heads in the future to rise

1. to . you want to jump high to come back

3. the appropriate compromise is great wisdom in life

4. inaction, silence speaks

5. postures further down the road width

6. temporary concessions to the better choice

7. sink into a major event to air live

8. listen more to bid farewell to a loyal Road went black

9. In order not to =====< br>
two-pronged strategy: there are both soft strokes hard law

1. Yiroukegang four ounces can also call jin

2. dared to evil

3. case of weak shows strong case of weakness strong

4. bundles of hard wood with a soft rope

5. only may be able to also be able to thrive

6. with appropriate praise to establish good relationships

7. dared to break out of the death in a posture

8. Xianyanghouyi achieve the purpose

9. forbearance in the battle to compete in the forbearance of
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activation function of the extraordinary potential of life

1. decide the fate mentality (repeatedly stressed the important thing)

2. have faith is the beginning of success

3. refused to lazy smile for winning or losing the perseverance to see the success

4. prioritization can be sure of success

5. gentleman why not oblige

6. hardness with softness in moderation

7. eloquent reasoning

8. to the people long make up our own short

9. failing to calm (Confucius said: panic feather)
==== ==========================< br> decorum great loss to both sides

1. to others is to the left face yourself face

2. beating people do not fight face and curse not truncate

3. to maintain respect for other people face is to win

4. respect the privacy of others is the preservation of their own good policy

5. guest, the over the lines of their own

6. to the enemy as a friend to win hearts and minds

7. coordinate their own principles and those of others face

8. gives the advantage to give the just right

9. Coordination of interpersonal

10. have a relationship sense
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