Thursday, March 31, 2011

You can do as a mom you

 First time parents, the kindergarten teacher said:

because the class of 30 children, but his worst performance; only to him, the teacher showed disdain.
However, she told her son:
very envious of other mothers are mothers, because the class only the baby progress.

son in elementary school.
At the conference, the teacher said:
check to the hospital.
However, when she returned home, but then his son at the table, said: He said, you're not stupid kids, as long as more careful, more than you at the same table, this time you came in the same table 21.

She even found that his son was so submissive to her surprise, seemed to grow up a lot.
the next day at school, to be early than usual.

children to junior high school, another parent.
her son sat in the seat, waiting for the teacher points her son's name,
because each parent, the name of her son in the ranks of poor students always point to.
However, this was beyond her expectations, until the end, did not hear.
she had some not used. Parting, ask the teacher, the teacher told her:

escorted her son's shoulder the way, there is a strange sweet heart, she told his son:
issued the first batch of college admission notice, the school called her son to go to school.
she had a presentiment that her son was admitted to Tsinghua University,
because the candidates, she said her son, she believes he can obtain this school.

his son came home from school, put a seal with Tsinghua University Admissions Office Speedpost handed her hand,

suddenly turned and ran to his room and cried.

weeping, said: Cross, no longer contain himself ten years to unite the hearts of tears, let it play in the hands of the envelope.

word of encouragement can change a person's ideas and behavior and even change a person's destiny! ☆
☆ ☆
a negative word can hurt a person's mind and body or even destroy a person's future! ☆ ☆

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