Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hisense was elected in 2008 a typical state-owned enterprise reform

 Recently, the Central Propaganda Department, chosen jointly by SASAC and the approval notice by the central leadership, Hisense and other 10 state-owned enterprises was elected in 2008 the National Development and Reform typical state-owned enterprises. In a typical selection of state-owned enterprises this year, Hisense with independent innovation, sound the salient features of business and good social impact more than 130 outstanding business stand out PARTICIPATING successfully selected, it is national and community legislation Hisense many years of technical level, the development of highly affirmed the file.
typical state-owned enterprises nationwide selection and promotion the work of high gold content, Index to Science, is a comprehensive evaluation of state-owned enterprises in the social economy has a strong influence .6 25, the Xinhua News Agency, the Central People's Broadcasting Station, CCTV, People's Daily, Guangming Daily , Economic Daily and other central media, and Shandong Province, Qingdao Hisense Tower and the media interview team in the A motion chairman, president and fellow at the Shu Min, vice president of met, the development of a comprehensive understanding of the Hisense.
innovation sound operation < br> mm innovation in the development and expansion of Hisense Hisense Group
development began in 1969, has now become a greater influence on domestic and international large-scale state-controlled electronic information industry group, covering TV, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, mobile terminals, intelligent transportation, optical communications and networked multimedia systems. Group currently has a profit of 22.1 billion respectively, 3.07 billion yuan to 469 billion yuan, 1.184 billion yuan, up 112.22 percent, 285.67 percent. Hisense is the first of innovative pilot enterprises, first won the with Hisense, Kelon, may sound three well-known trademarks in China, all the leading products are famous brand in China. In National Bureau of Statistics competitive large enterprise groups in China, Top 500, Hisense has been ranked for two consecutive years.
in nearly 40 years of development history, Hisense is due to the rapid development of technology of establishing enterprises and always adhere to sound business strategy.
First, adhere to the established enterprise technology strategy, innovation and lead the development
(a) the pursuit of research and development depth, and a breakthrough in core technology
years, Hisense has always insisted on the development of innovation ideas for foothold, and in the development of ideas, emphasizing the depth of the pursuit of research and development, and strive to make breakthroughs in core technology. Hisense more long been recognized that R & D risk, but it follows the law of scarcity, but not to follow the law of diminishing marginal efficiency. That is just in the right direction can get high-priced high-tech, higher investment and there are higher income, and the most horrible thing is unwilling to invest in core technology.
from the last century, research has accumulated since the late 90's flat-panel TV, digital TV, video processing technology, the Hisense TV market share from China in 2003 The fifth to first in 2005, and maintained so far in June .2005, Hisense successfully developed China's first piece of independent intellectual property rights and the industrialization of the letter of digital video processing chip mm core, thus the end of our annual 70 million color TV sets without the ; with independent intellectual property rights and core technologies, companies have the competitive edge. successfully and completely break the foreign monopoly, in six months time, a direct result of the chip price declines of similar import, in which high-end chip from 15 dollars to 8 dollars, the low-end chips from nearly 13 U.S. dollars to 6.5 U.S. dollars, the average decline in more than 40%. the real benefits.
1997, Hisense launched the first of China's inverter air conditioner, inverter air conditioner long retain half of China. Meanwhile, Hisense products do not meet existing market performance frequency, but the industry's most advanced targeting mm vector converter core technology launched a solid and effective control of independent innovation, after three and a half years of arduous independent research and development, from the DC inverter to vector conversion, a step year, Hisense inverter technology step by step, went to the forefront of research in China officially launched the 2005 vector frequency conversion control technology, thus breaking the Japanese enterprises in China's high-end technology for up to 8 years of blockade, air conditioning and refrigerator achieved a major landmark core technology breakthroughs. In order to verify the value of this technology, We have to talk about a company in Japan and technical cooperation, the Japanese side first mouthful of any technology can be introduced Hisense promised, but the mention of frequency vector control technology, the Japanese side was adamant: important influence on the technical status and can be seen from. At present, Hisense vector inverter control technology has been widely used in refrigerators and air-conditioning products. Meanwhile, the approval by the State Standards Committee, our technical team is led the development of technical standards for frequency control in China. < br> Hisense Intelligent Transportation breakthrough is in the industrial environment under extremely difficult to break the monopoly of foreign technology, and establish confidence in a successful example of national industry. In Hisense into the field before the All China's intelligent transportation market monopolized by large foreign enterprises. ; Ninth Five-Year and technological advantages, many people within a short time to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies of China and the industrialization of lost confidence, and well-developed transportation system makes the network system security management is extremely important, the use of foreign systems lead to future national security breaches. This greatly thorn Hisense hurt the national pride as a corporate citizen, after careful study of Hisense decided to organize the research team developed an entirely suited to the characteristics of China's transport core technology of intelligent transportation.
After years of constant technological breakthroughs and the standard construction, Hisense has been in the Intelligent Transportation achievements in the field of the first national brand's market position in December .2005, in the Beijing Olympic Games Bidding in intelligent transportation systems, Hisense first results of performance tests to beat the world's strongest rivals, winning 08 Olympic Games in Beijing smart investment and construction of traffic management projects, to achieve national enterprises in selected key points beyond the goal of advanced foreign companies. At present, Hisense intelligent transportation products in the domestic urban intelligent signal management system has occupied 20% of the share in the rapid transit smart System (BRT) is the market share of 70%. Hisense strong technical strength to win this concern Competition leading-edge technology at home and abroad to achieve the independent product industry breakthrough. Foreign powerful opponent in defeat The facts have to admit: not only China's Hisense breakthrough core technology, but also created the World Intelligent Transportation Systems 3 mmHICON.
years, Hisense has been committed to energy conservation and efficiency technology innovation. now not only the frequency of our air conditioning and energy-saving refrigerator has significant environmental effects, and flat-panel TV technology and intelligent traffic control efforts in energy efficiency have gradually gained social recognition. to air conditioning units across the country 200 million holdings, if All replaced inverter air conditioner, according to 10 hours a day 120 days a year computing power, the degree of 158.4 billion a year, saving more than the annual power generation of Three Gorges Hydropower Station. Hisense through independent technology development, and actively promote energy-saving technology in the television application. we have introduced the dynamic backlight control technology in the 50-inch plasma products on the application, the realization of the whole energy saving of 46%. Also using a low-power 32-inch LCD TV screen, lower power consumption than comparable models 53%. We can be considered to have an account, an average family use two TVs, you can save 604 kWh of electricity a year. Hisense intelligent urban traffic using traffic system, in general, not to increase road and bridge construction, increase the traffic capacity of 25% , which will undoubtedly reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution, increase resource utilization efficiency. in the current building environment-friendly, resource-saving society, environment, sea credit their technical innovation promoted the healthy development of Chinese society, in order to achieve the importance of corporate social responsibility shouldered by the State and the community received.
Hisense R & D in the long-term technology accumulation and relentless pursuit, not only from the fundamental guarantee for the good development trend of the enterprise, but also lead the development of the industry played a better role. Eleventh Five-Year period, Hisense 20 items included in the national science and technology projects, of which 3 863 major projects, technological support projects 2; hosted and participated in three international standards, 83 State and industry technical standards .2007 IPR 837 were reported, of which 140 patents every day 2-3 of intellectual property in Hisense born. Hisense in digital video processing technology and chip design, LED LCD module on the development and application of key technologies have made significant breakthrough in intelligent transportation technology, 3G communications technology, optical communication technology and vector conversion technology has made significant progress, initially formed in the enterprise's own unique technology group, all of which Hisense fundamental support in the continued optimization of industrial structure, promote the differentiation strategy to enhance enterprise competitiveness, but also to promote technical progress has played an active role.
(b) break the monopoly of innovation, leading the industry < br> R & D is not an end in itself, only the technology into product advantage, and then reflected in economic benefits for the enterprises to survive and develop. Hisense from the initial small workshop, developed into a multinational industrial structure 3C electronic information industry group, is technological innovation and to continue to extend and expand the industrial results.
breakthrough with the letter and continued research and development core, LCD module production line of self-design and construction, digital media technology platform, State Key Laboratory of creation and so on, Hisense to achieve machine developed by the TV to the core chip R & D and industrialization of independent development, from flat-panel TV assembly to the module design and manufacturing industry chain of the effective extension; as digital home systems, DNet-home standards and a new generation of interactive media introduction of the system, Hisense opened from a single end-product manufacturers to systems products and solutions for the industrial development process extension; with Hisense products such as optoelectronic devices and market breakthrough, Hisense implementation of digital multimedia terminal products from high-speed broadband access to the entry and transmission technology breakthrough. It is these ongoing extension and expansion of the industry effectively guarantee the stability of the sustainable development of Hisense.
the 21st century, Hisense very clearly see the trend of flat-panel TV industry producing panels corporate mm been extended to the downstream industries, with the LCD module features continue to improve, the whole enterprise will continue to decline in the cost of control, may ultimately failed to achieve even 10%. At that time, the Chinese color TV illusory, at best, has been called The first Chinese color TV industry in the Hisense LCD module production line built, breaking almost all of the LCD module status of foreign companies. less than six months, Hisense's first LCD module production line not only successfully reached, and the yield reached 99% , upper panel, a high-level decision makers the supplier can not help to achieve in a short time for Hisense to produce such a high level of surprise. Hisense LCD Module two will be put into operation by the end of July this year, next year will continue to build two production lines at the end of production capacity will reach 3 million.
Hisense is not involved in module production and manufacture of the assembly based solely on the screen, but from the perspective of the industrial integration of strategic distances. coupled with chip development technology, Hisense is the ultimate goal more than 60% of LCD module components independent development. Hisense this done a lot of technology and talent accumulation, which represents the trend of industrial upgrading technology breakthrough LED backlight is the biggest support within Hisense do drive module force. LED backlight technology with energy saving, environmental protection, high-definition and other prominent feature is a revolutionary advanced technology. continued research and development to the present, Hisense has broken through the blockade of foreign patents, formed the core of innovation technologies and related algorithms, 10 important patents applications, the initial realization of the domestic enterprises in the depth of a breakthrough on the key technical points, synchronized with the international industrial upgrading strategic vision, color TV technology is expected to be in the core following the letter after another major technological breakthrough. before the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games, China has the world's advanced level of the first LED-backlit LCD TVs are full to the market by the Hisense.
(c) of the innovation system is the continued protection and technological achievements
years of proven business development, technology innovation has become Hisense core competencies, and core competencies to maintain and enhance, without technological innovation system and improve.
1997, the national level began to study the technology innovation system. We recognize that without a system to protect the Hisense research and development, technology strategy will be difficult to establish enterprises no deviation to stick with it, which causes the accumulation of R & D work is not effective. a company is a century-old, not just talk about it is there for a long time, but this enterprise what must be the accumulation of empirical and precipitation. That summer we started to create their own technological innovation system, in after several amendments to the legislation into Hisense technology enterprises, access to intellectual property rights in the landmark document. < br> Hisense technology strategy for the effective implementation of established enterprise technology innovation system is to be guaranteed. The main point to ensure, first of all the system must ensure that technology development and technology topics from the forefront of the market in order to ensure that not only can money replaced by technology, but technology can replace the money. Second, the system must ensure the development quality of the product. market competition quality is fundamental, and the design quality is the quality of products first element, the so-called system of quality assurance is clear from the design to product quality indicators, and in the subsequent stage of each design must ensure implementation of quality indicators, thus ensuring inherent quality of the product. Once again, the sea of credit system to ensure the developer's incentive and restraint mechanisms. from the identification program to determine the degree of difficulty the subject to determine the remuneration of the base, and then progress to determine the coefficient of return, expressed in the effectiveness of this approach not only to promote efficiency, embodied justice, fairness and efficiency if a good balance, it will motivate a collective, a team up together.
less than that with a large gap between large foreign companies. We are under the protection of the innovation system, research and development projects continue to explore mechanisms for timely adjustment of project implementation measures, especially managers and technical staff to correct part of the over-reliance on foreign chips erroneous ideas, from management system in China to avoid the development of such chips after the ubiquitous Chip R & D team to encourage and enable them to withstand the research work of the loneliness and suffering; the other hand, the understanding from the application point of settlement, the organizational structure of the problem, investment in human and financial resources to adjust.
It is in improve the technical innovation system, a strong guarantee, the Hisense average age was only 24 years old has experienced more than a dozen young people, 1,600 days and nights, nearly five years without doing a course of initial results, and ultimately may fail projects. They countless dead, ensure the sustainable development of enterprises. Hisense is the healthy operation of a rainy day, long-term consideration, the surface is not the pursuit of vigorous development, but the technology to do the pursuit of solid, always solve the problem today, for tomorrow, for tomorrow today create the conditions.
(a) strict financial management
financial management in the Hisense to occupy an important position. for the sound operation of the idea of carrying out the place, Hisense in the formation of a series on the financial operation of the sound financial management philosophy, these ideas in order to maintain the sustained and healthy development of Hisense played an important role.
1, accounting information must be true and accurate.
guarantee the authenticity and accuracy of accounting information is the financial sector at all levels of Hisense Group basic requirements. In Hisense, a subsidiary if the fraud, will face severe punishment. had a very good financial manager, because of deferred charges between the monthly, resulting in false profits of the month, the group this removed from the company's general manager and chief financial officer. It is the authenticity of the accounting information to pursue this sort of harsh, so Hisense formed a act according to the contract, no money owed suppliers, dealers do not cheat to win the bank, suppliers and distributors of the trust, gained the respect of society. Hisense has thus been a long-term interest.
2, solid investment strategy on behalf of
high-tech industry investment must focus on cutting-edge 3C (home appliances, communications and information) a main line, that is, Hisense has established a wide range of industry-related investment strategies to avoid weaknesses, the main industry bigger and stronger, reduce investment risk.
such as before entering a new area of investment, in addition to technology and the talent pool should also actively seek technical and financial partners, to ensure rapid recovery of investment, reduce investment risk and financial risk. of existing production equipment, housing and land use not be fully rational, the firm can not be new, simple production equipment, houses and land, investment, new investment in fixed assets must be investment in technological upgrading and product upgrading needs. and the Group provides more than a certain amount of investment in fixed assets must be carried out feasibility studies, and a clear division between the Group and subsidiaries of investment authority.
3, accelerate cash flow, assets and liabilities to maintain a reasonable level of asset-liability ratio will control the security within
filth, cover up the problems during the operation. If the sick to run, but also forced the expansion, it will cause an error to further enlarge, and ultimately out of control. Hisense in the years of operation, has been to accelerate the group's operating cash flow approach, on the one hand to eliminate inventory and accounts receivable in hidden losses, on the other hand to continuously improve the operational capacity, continued increase turnover rate. the only way to make business more and more healthy. After continuing to strengthen management, Hisense has formed a relatively complete cash flow management system. In this system, through the annual business plan to target cash flow, through the purchasing, production, marketing, planning, logistics and other aspects of process management to enhance convergence, through risk management to prevent backlog of loss, through continuous monitoring and monthly analysis and comment to continuous improvement. After years of sustained efforts, Hisense liquidity management continued to improve. to Hisense Electric, for example, its inventory turnover days from 142 days in 2001, down to 2006 years, 61 days, cash-flow speed increased 1.3 times in four years, reached 51 days .2007. The turnover levels second to none in the appliance industry. Kelon Electrical we take over the previous year-end total assets of 11.16 billion yuan, and then The sales of 7.923 billion yuan; and our acquisition of the first year after the end of 2007 the total assets of 4.421 billion yuan, while sales of the year was 8.322 billion yuan. that we only use 40% of the original capital, to achieve bigger than the original income.
(b) strict quality control
the pursuit of performance excellence, the implementation of total quality management, quality management is a basic principle of Hisense; used to measure the quality of the economic effect of the eyes, with the ethical requirements conduct full quality constraints, with the corporate social responsibility standards to enhance the quality of full culture of quality Hisense; by excellent product quality, the first batch of National Quality Management Award, Hisense Group's internal continuous improvement in the quality management system, has established a quality management system costs, research and development of quality management system and the energy saving management systems for more effective quality management system.
Establishment of quality cost management, quality improvement for the accurate measurement results, providing support for economic data, greatly reducing the loss of internal quality and external quality loss. television products since the last two years are 20% mass loss decreases by the amount of savings to tens of millions. Hisense products not only improve the reputation and improve the Hisense brand's market share, improve product profitability, Hisense, Hisense, and reduce the use of the product user costs and reduce waste of social wealth. to establish a conservation-minded society, do to a corporate social obligation.
quality management, the introduction of the moral standards of quality assessment, on the one hand to enable enterprises to pay more attention to the interests of employees, suppliers interests and the interests of consumers to assume more social responsibility, on the other hand, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders, more concerned about the quality of Hisense brand building, more conscious implementation of quality management system to improve the Hisense products physical quality.
Hisense Hisense and people remember the business excellence model, our quality management there is a gap. we know the depth of the implementation of total quality management, the continued pursuit of excellence is to reduce the performance gap between the most powerful of these guidelines, we will insist on long-term pursuit of higher performance concern for excellence in every detail, continue to carry out with higher quality control standards, so that br> decision risk is the greatest business risks, the establishment of a scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism is to ensure sustainable development, an important guarantee for the sound operation. In order to improve the important scientific decision-making, accuracy, and ensure the efficiency of decision-making to prevent operational risks, Hisense established a relatively complete democratic centralized decision-making mechanisms, including from the board, president and office will review the decision-making mechanism, to the rules of procedure and other important matters, effectively preventing the risk of business decision-making in the.
major issues are provided rules of procedure is for the chairman, president and deputy party secretary and vice president of the three communication charge of the leadership necessary to attend. majority, was agreed as a common views to the relevant meeting; did not pass the sub-categories: decision and in no hurry to rush the decision. The former group immediately submitted to the relevant meeting, and their respective statements, the majority of participants in order decision-making; latter aside, leaving after the meeting.
these rules implementation, we emphasize that to fully express their views at the meeting, to allow different views of the controversy, the formation of a decision, allowing a dissenting opinion, but after the implementation of the resolution must be firm. It is a scientific and democratic decision-making system, making the Hisense and without any major investment operational mistakes.
three, the talent works to protect the business development activity
in order to ensure the future sustainable development of enterprises. focus on the long-term human resources development strategy is to establish enterprise technology strategy, Hisense first project.
(a) of the innovative talents mechanism to strengthen the staff team building effective human resources
development system and incentive system, establish and perfect for Hisense development has injected new vitality. talent SAR system, dual-channel mechanism for career development, qualification evaluation mechanism, the continuing long-term incentives such as practice, so that effectively circumvent the traditional Hisense prevalence of short-sighted behavior of state-owned enterprises, starting from the long-term development, and actively promote the optimization of personnel structure and staff ranks.
activity in order to stimulate the development of enterprises, technology center in 1992, the first in a remuneration levels of R & D personnel can reach more than 10 times the general staff. At present the whole, the average income of R & D can still reach the entire group more than 3 times the average income, outstanding R & D staff salary levels, even up to the Group Vice President for income. in re-creating enterprise technology, talent of a strong cultural atmosphere.
Secondly, we are in the job sequence and gradually establish and perfect the Dual career development mechanisms, the core is in the treatment and status so that outstanding performance on the R & D personnel, process quality, business management and sales personnel and their superiors flush, or even higher. This is so that they can feel at ease Some of the work, more focus on personal business skills to enhance, rather than the painstaking development to management positions. position is no longer a symbol and privileges, but only a sign of people doing things, so people naturally open the channels of promotion, development The wider space.
third, with Hisense evaluation system, the basic requirements from the office, ability and quality, performance results of three aspects of the job sequence on the staff evaluation, evaluation results are recorded in a variety of personal information files as the basis for selecting and employing people. Meanwhile, the establishment of a .
In addition, the management of them in the past, in particular, incentives for talent, the tend to re-short-term incentives, to the neglect of long-term incentives for talent. business income paid to talent, a serious deviation from the value of the market price of talent This is also the main state-owned enterprises unable to retain talents. In recent years, Hisense has also done in this active exploration, combined with restructuring of property rights of enterprises, we are of the group's core layer, middle layer and backbone layer talents options, long-term incentive of shares. Through this incentive model, the human desire and the fate of companies closely tied together. At the same time, also reached the purpose of the enterprise to retain talent.
(b) Global the introduction of talent, enhance the level of
international talent introduction and use of Hisense, improvement and optimization of personnel structure has always insisted on opening the international perspective, and effectively promoting the process of independent innovation of enterprises, which cast a clear enterprise architecture, location macro pattern of international talent far.
present, Hisense in China, Europe, the United States and South Africa to set up a seven large technology research and development center, achieved through various forms of many world-class technical talent to join together to carry out high-end industry technology development, the formation of a 24-hour pattern of research and development of technological globalization. In addition, the local market from abroad, hired many experienced experts in marketing, product sales and to achieve the rapid integration of the local environment, the marketing network in place with the human resources also become more sophisticated.
a large number of qualified candidates to join greatly enhance the core competitiveness of Hisense. multimedia industry sector in recent years from Japan, Korea and other countries introduced a number of technology development, process manufacturing, and other experts, also introduced Philips R & D team. These experts, the introduction of flat-panel TV industry and accelerated the upgrading of technology, making the Hisense TV market share ranked the first; Hisense Intelligent Transportation project leader Dr. Chen Weiqiang, and Dr. Zhu Zhong, leading R & D team, and Siemens won a bid repeatedly, to create high-quality national brand image.
Meanwhile, in order to narrow the technology gap with foreign countries, to improve management of the international standard, we have stepped up since 2003 the introduction of international talents and reserve strength. has introduced, including Group Vice President Dr. Wang Zhihao, Dr. Lin Lan, vice president of Hisense Kelon Dr. Zhou Xiaotian, including many foreign executives and experts to bring their franchise to the international Hisense of the New Vision. It is these come from different backgrounds, different regions, different cultural integration of the technical achievements of the collision and management of deep Tigers Hisense road of independent innovation, Hisense own brand directly help the implementation of international strategy, which effectively Hisense enhance the level of international operations.
Fourth, capital business model innovation, corporate social responsibility has always been around the main business
scale expansion, health, development and expansion of new industries to expand, is the importance of capital operation Hisense features and more proof of our focus on industrial development. It is this focus on protection of the Hisense Group's sustained and healthy development .15 years, Hisense growing capital operation, the process more complex, but no matter where a historical stage and what kind of market environment, our innovation and capital operation is very typical at the time the operating mode. From the earliest days of the later ; sales agent plus an agreement to acquire enterprise development, effective practice, while a corporate social responsibility for business development, government and financial institutions how to deal with the social world collaborative manner. This seemingly simple model to solve a series of mergers and acquisitions, the most direct effect is injected funds to start production, and to protect the financial security, with a powerful channel for Hisense open the way to form a continuous production and marketing cycles, capital As long as the formation of normal turnover, suppliers and bank debt is expected to turn positive on balance. This model was immediately recognized by governments and regulators, three levels of government in Guangdong Province, the strong support and coordination from the internal resistance is Kelon effectively stop creditor banks to support rescue operations unified views. In the coordination and delivery of Hisense conditions, have also expressed support for the suppliers. ; restructuring of the new path, the Guangdong provincial government and even spoke highly of the Hisense .

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