Sunday, February 20, 2011

trekking Tangfangudao travel information line -7 for the month ...

 By car from Beijing to Xining, road book 3 days
From: Beijing Destinations: Xining mileage: 3339 km cost:
Beijing 1224km 224km Xi'an, Lanzhou, Xining
915km road:
many sections at an altitude of 3,000 m above some spots were no roads, only dirt road potholes or wetlands.
Beijing - Shijiazhuang, Xi'an go, Shi-Tai, Tai Yun, Yun-Feng, West tong speed.
Xi'an - Lanzhou - Xining to go West, Po-speed, 312 State Road to Lanzhou, the 109 State Road, bound for Xining.
Tangfangudao (Xining / Yushu / Lhasa) 10 days
landscape features:
line: Xining - Tar - Xining - Daochanghe - Republic - Spa - Huashixia - Maduo (Yellow) - Heihe - Yeniugou - (Yalong) - Bayan Har mouth - straight up to the door (Tongtianhe into the Jinsha River in Sichuan, said) - Yushu - Little Su Mang - (Lancang) - Qamdo - Riwoqe - Dengqen - Palestinian Youth - Sok County - Naqu (Nu) - When the male - Namco - When male - Yangbajing - Lhasa. travel more than 3,000 kilometers.
major scenic spots Attractions:
Tangfangudao the general trend is: starting from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, over Xianyang, along the Binglin crossed the Yellow River or river house into Minhe Guanting, the ancient Shan, Ledu, Xining, Huang Yuan, Tang Mountain, involving Daochanghe to Qiabo Qia (Princess temple), then by Qieji grassland, a large dam, spring, flowers Shek Kip, along the Yellow River, around the Zaling and Eling Lake, turn Bayan Har, over Yushu fresh water river, West Ferry Tongtianhe to end Cuba Tong, Su Qu River sub- to the complex and more along the Central Plains since the mainland go Qinghai, Tibet, as well as Nepal, India and other countries to pass. It starts from Xi'an (ie Chang), via Gansu and Qinghai, to Lhasa (the logic s), total length of 3 thousand kilometers . the trail across western China, across the world famous a nuclear weapons development base; Gold Silver Beach grasslands, the largest lake in China's most beautiful lake; Princess temple, the river card, Yamaguchi, E La Pass, Jiang Lu Ling Pass, the first mountain overlooking the Amdo - Animaqing Kamiyama; great force Township celestial burial, the Yellow River source Maduo County the first county, the Yellow River source Sisters Lake,
Zaling, Eling, measures depression is even more cards Ga Temple, Yellow River source Tau flag monument, the first bridge of the Yellow River source ; Bayan Har mouth; Three Rivers monument marks the first environmental protection, Tongtian Bridge, when the card Temple, the world was by Mani Ka rubble heap, Longga Gap, the largest monastery in Yushu Results Sakya Monastery; Princess Wen Cheng Temple, Leba groove rock paintings, feel Longga Gap, White Zaarin field, Tibetan towers; Riwoqe Basilica Gemma Charles, Gold Temple, Qiangtang prairie; all Tibetan Bon monastery's largest, but also to retain the old benzene to teach the most complete temple ritual ceremony Zi Zhu Temple;
Qinghai Mongolian Ministry of thirty-nine tribes moved to the Hall this Dengqen, Palestinian youth, Sog County area and the formation of the Folkways; look exactly like the Potala Palace, Temple of praise DARLING; Sangdankangsang Snow, King Gesar soldiers monument, Nyainqentanglha mountain, the world's highest saltwater lake Nam Co m; the highest in the world, geothermal hot springs m Yangbajing; set of architectural treasures of Tibetan culture and art in one of the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and the Tibetan Buddhist centers around the Jokhang Temple, the famous eight-Gallery Street, the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Drepung Monastery ---. < br> Itinerary:
arrived in Xining, Xining, according to the specific time to arrive to visit the attractions. stay: 2 days

Xining Xining / Tar / Qinghai Lake / Republican County live: Xining
line : Xining / Tar / dopa / Huangyuan Gap / Daotang River / lake / Daochanghe / Republic County, mileage: 240 km
road like: full expressway, a highway
tourist attractions: Dongguan Mosque in Xining City, city, Tibetan Buddhist Monastery one of the six major monasteries, China's first nuclear weapons development base, gold Silver Beach grasslands, China's largest lake Qinghai Lake, the Daochanghe to the Republican Basin today. altitudes from 2100 meters to 3100 meters, the highest point of 3520 meters, in order to better adapt to the plateau climate, attention to adaptive plateau rest.
3 days
Republican County / Spa / Maduo living: Ma- multi-county government guest house
line: Republican County / Grand dam / river card Yamaguchi / E La Pass / Spa / Huashixia mileage: 528 km
Road like: provincial highways, most of the road, having a flat road, the , Xiahe Kazan, E La Shan attention corners, Maduo County / Zaling Township / Maduo County, prairie road slippery, gravel road.
tourist attractions: The Republican Basin, happiness Beach, Princess temple , over the river card, Yamaguchi, E La Pass, Jiang Road, Ridge, overlooking a mountain known as Amdo A'nyemaqen first mountain style, visit the following Dawu celestial burial. Huashixia over to the Yellow River source Maduo County the first county, Go to the Yellow River source tai mei Lake, Zaling, Eling, measures depression is even more cards Ga Temple, monument signs to the Yellow River source Tau, and returned to Maduo County.

Maduo County Day 4 / Yushu County live: Yushu Hotel
line: Maduo County / water River / Yeniugou / Break Wu / Yushu County, mileage: 360 km.
road like: asphalt, provincial roads, mostly flat road, Pakistan Har Pass to the river water, there are roads.
tourist attractions: the first source of the Yellow River Bridge, Bayan Har I (4917 m) of the Yellow River and Yangtze River watershed, Three Rivers monument marks the first environmental protection. pass Tianhe Bridge, when the card Temple, Mani heap Kerry that the world through the heap.

Yushu Day 5 / 190 km Nangqian mileage. Accommodation: Guest House
Nangqian transport routes: Yushu County / Pakistan Tong Crossings / Dora Ma Branch / fork under the Rila / Zhaqu Bridge / Road Nangqian
like: asphalt, 160 km Road. over the altitude of 4504 meters of the Ga Ga La Pass, this relatively steep rise in emergency. following the red over pass on the 8 km to the show pulled from the pull-down show to show the 30 km long in a mountain gorge, a black co-Ah Pass (elevation 4100 meters), then they have to turn the Ga Rila Pass (elevation 4332 m). goes down through the stunning scenery feel Longga Gap, over Zhaqu River Bridge to Nangqian county.
tourist attractions: the largest monastery in Yushu Results Sakya Monastery, the temple of Princess Wen Cheng ( Great Buddha Hall at), Leba trench rock paintings and so on. Leba ditch ditch, also known as Bo, Burnett ditch, Tibetan, means animal-based. over the altitude of 4504 meters of the Ga Ga La Pass, from the pull-down show to show the 30 km long in a mountain valley, the scenery is unique, very imposing cliffs of Castle Peak valley. A black co-Ah Pass (altitude 4100 meters), over the Ga Rila Pass (elevation 4332 m). feel Longga stunning gorge scenery.
6th day (Hong of town) / Riwoqe town / Sando Town mileage of 240 km Accommodation: Guest House
Riwoqe county line: Nangqian / white tie Township / 1048 Road Course (83 km) / A Shankar / Riwoqe (105 km)
road like: almost is kept in the mountains, very hard. Riwoqe from Nangqian south to nearly two hundred kilometers of the red mud road, starting from the 1048 class to continue climbing, up to 4505 meters above sea level, Xie Ga La pass, down the mountain Road is bumpy, downhill into the song Chak Ga Gap after, and then move near the highway in Qinghai and Tibet is the demarcation point mm Duo Puma, Ching Hong Road, at 1085 km, bringing into Tibet. too Duo Puma is still in the canyon after road, over a road like a bad after Shankar, undulating roads increased, and the roads deep ruts, gravel increased, the situation is more serious flooding roads, crossed a mountain pass over 4000 meters, over mountain roads after the worse, almost all is a gravel road, downhill to the attention of security. Sankar starting from a town 75 km to reach Riwoqe.
tourist attractions: the beautiful scenery of hell and heaven. coexistence through the white Danza field, you can see the mountains and plains of the pines and cypresses. Zang architectural style towers, from Nangqian Qamdo is this the way to hell, from the Duo Puma to a rural canyon Sankar, scenery magnificent. still more than three thousand meters above sea level on the slopes began to appear a lot of cedar. more than a dozen, Twenty-meter-high cedar lush covers the entire mountain, the river like a dragon lying still in the same foot. late summer when the water is gathered into large blue lake, while the leaves will yellow and green, colorful. even into the eye The White Tower and color eye-catching beauty of Tibetan residential landscapes, ancient Tibetan style rich, pure natural Tibetan. Riwoqe check Gemma hall. county Sando 3810 m above sea level the town, was to encircle the forests and mountains, Gold Creek in the county interludes, bringing a bit Aura.
7 days
Riwoqe / Dengqen live: Dengqen
line: Riwoqe / Kama more / Xie Gala Hill / sleep en / Zi Zhu Temple / sleep en / Shagong / 200 km
Road Dengqen like: gravel roads, narrow roads, not mountain slope. Riwoqe to Dengqen way from gravelly. diffuse plateau slope hills, sandy road, muddy road rains have trapped car, pay attention to driving.
attractions: Riwoqe County Sando town, 3,800 meters above sea level. Even earlier, possession of a new residential, uniform pattern of column on the sides of the road, but the rare homes, lined a row of new two-storey building, on the first floor of the shop for a princess. Gold ditch. This is very good with scenery, of music across the river poplar, willow neatly nestled between the mountains of white trees Gold Golden Roof of the Temple wall, elevation 3950 meters of the Gold Temple is the largest Yellow Sect monasteries.
Qiangtang mainly prairie scenery, Dengqen Tibetan word for monastery. height of 4,800 meters above sea level, is the highest altitude of the temple, Thirty-Aboriginal youth to become Bon monasteries and believers region most of the areas most affected. And Zi Chu Kang area along the existing temple is the largest and most Catholics, Bon rituals one of the best preserved temple.
s 8 days
Dengqen / Sog County places: Sog County
line: Dengqen / Sang by / of the heap / s thermal pool / wing fabric rural / Pakistani Green
Road like: Man hilly plateau slope sand road, rain road muddy, trapped car, pay attention to driving.
tourist attractions: from Dengqen (elevation 3857 m); proceed to the bar green. Pakistan Tibet language means large lake in the Qiangtang area, average elevation of 4,500 meters. is one of Bon's core communications areas, territory more Bon monastery. elevation of 4901 meters of hi La pass, pressure 566 hPa; I saw the concept Green Tanggula Mountains;
hillside meadow grass and yaks grazing leisurely pace, dotted with Tibetan stone house, the early Song Dynasty, the Qinghai Mongolian Ministry of thirty-nine tribes moved to the Hall today Dengqen, Pakistan Green, Sog County area, so the band collectively, the the county town. Sog County average elevation of 3572 meters, the western mountains a few more open grassland, the rest is mountains and canyons.
9 days
Sog County / Nagqu places: Naqu
line: / Sog County / Nagqu
Road like: Man plateau slope hills, sandy road, muddy road rains have trapped car, pay attention to driving.
tourist attractions: the right altitude of 4937 meters of the river La pass, the area of about 4,500 meters above sea level, air pressure per 593 Pa. all the way through the top of a snow mountain. Cable Tibetan for the dust has settled, the spectacular temple complex has long been devoid of past, now only fixes a Red Palace, even so, sub-centers in Yala Pingba mountain temple condescending, difficult terrain, remains magnificent. Only the wind passing ears , tells of the vicissitudes of life in peace. overlooking the Yarra into a piece of Tibetan rural cottage, a wide valley, far away is the holy mountain snow peaks of the Yarra Yarra village is the home of King Gesar of Aifeizhumu, the Zhu Mu claim the remains throughout the county, the legend very much.
Qiangtang car driving on a broad prairie, prairie edge of the hill for the embellishment of the vast grassland.
the first 10 days
: Naqu / Lhasa places : Lhasa
line: Naqu / When the male / Namtso / Lhasa
Road like: full line of asphalt, road-like good.
attractions: Along the way enjoy the scenery of northern Tibet, revealed in the valley facing west toward the town , the highest peaks is quite well known Sangdankangsang, Sangdankangsang elevation of 6590 meters, is located in the middle of Nyainqentanglha Mountains, it is the Tibetan twenty-five one of the highest peaks in the corresponding respect for the religious Twenty-five lay in Wonderland one. Sule Pagoda Road, east of the eight soldiers of King Gesar is the famous monument. According to legend, King Gesar has been shuaibing year eight towers in this part of northern Tibet grassland ride expedition, the next jerk The general Harper. Danma Hong police killed here. Damxung, Tibetan translated as maximum 7162 meters above sea level - read the green Tangla. m the world's highest saltwater lake Nam Co, Tibetan for protected areas Qiangtang. an area of about 1940 square kilometers, 4718 meters above sea level. Nam Co Lake in the southeast of Tashi to be extended to the lake. Nyainqentanglha Namco is not just mountains and mountain lakes, according to Legend or a lover of life and death depend. Nyainqentanglha mountain peaks just out of sight, far underground you can see the smoke from the hot, packed their bags, ready for swimsuit, the highest in the world, sheep, hot springs and m tiring journey of eight wells to wash away the fatigue. and then drive 91 kilometers to arrive in Lhasa.


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